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Timothy Alberino
Author, Explorer, Filmmaker, and Man of God 
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Update Birthright by Timothy

The Birthright

Mankind's Final Battle for Dominion of Planet Earth

Current in Print on Amazon or Timothy Alberino's website. 

Timothy Alberion

Author, Explorer, Film Maker


I currently have my copy of, "Birthright" and I am reading it with an open mind.  So far, so good and I will be giving an in-depth review when I am finished but I do not believe it will be unfavorable.  I am not a professional literary critic but what I am is a follower of the truth in Yeshua so I do not need to be a professional.  It will either match up and bring more light and knowledge to the Body of Christ or it will not. That does not mean I have to accept every single concept but I am certainly not tossing the entire 98% of what I agree on for the 2% that I may not because we are all trying to work our way through this together, as a body of believers, seeking the truth and to get to that truth takes research that agrees with scripture. You may need to sharpen your language skills a bit as to not be easily discouraged and it may be arduous to some but don't let that stop you, learn and increase your knowledge.  There are many of Tim's videos at the bottom of the page. 

Timothy Alberino's father is a minister and he states that he was born and raised in a good Christian family.  Still, I speculate from listening to him, that there were unanswered questions in his heart he simply could not dismiss.  Throughout history, God chooses certain men that He instills a deep passion to search out the truth and be His spokesman of that truth.  I believe Mr. Alberino is such a man.

 Fresh out of high school, he left the comfort of his home in Ohio and ended up living in the jungles of Peru for ten years.    He does not share the supernatural event that happened in his life at that time but it is clear, God did lift the veil and works in his life to relate the revelation, He uses Mr. Alberino as a revelator to His people.  "He who hath an ear let him hear, he who hath eyes let him see.


 Unfortunately, the truths revealed are far from acceptable in mainstream Christianity.   This leaves us somewhat perplexed as to why there are very few of us that accept these revelations.   We think ourselves neither better nor special in any way, only saddened by the shunning disregard for the revelations brought forth by the years of research of men like this.


 One must have an open mind and desire to surpass the every day children's Sunday school teachings and actually want to dive into the depths of the true Word of God, not what man says but what the Spirit of God reveals. 

 If you truly say you are a Christian, then you must believe every Word of the Bible and not just pick and choose what you want that does not make you uncomfortable.  When a non-believer ask you, "Why would a loving God tell the Israelites to kill every man, woman, child and animal of a certain tribe?" what is your answer? Chances are, you don't have a clue why.  We are living in the time foretold in the Bible where knowledge will increase, not only for the secular world but also for God's true people.  You must ask yourself, are you hot, cold or lukewarm because you are indeed one of these three and you will only make it to God being one of these.

 The time to get on board the ark is now because, as stated in the Bible, there is a great deception coming that if it were possible, even the very elect will believe this great deception.  Only those not deceived are they who have the Seal of God in their forehead, you only receive that seal when you seek out the truth and not by being a Sunday morning, Wednesday evening pew sitter.  The truth is, most churches are empty, dead and most certainly not reaching the lost.  When the church becomes a clique of people with nothing but building fundraisers, ladies teas, bake sales, men and women's pricey retreats and your church is not growing nor is reaching the lost, there is a very big problem in the mix.  If on Sunday morning you are not raising your hand to God and beckoning His Spirit and guidance into your hearts and service, you are not worshipping God, chances are, God is not even present in your church.  Has your church become a sepulture of dead man's bones?


 I do not purpose to devalue the God called purpose of all churches because there are still some wonderful churches out there doing the will of God but the fact remains, they are dying out and what we increasingly witness is a spiritually dead shell on every corner that deserves the scrutiny of a lost world.  These dead entities are giving true Christianity a very bad name and proving the accusations of the world true.  They indeed have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof.


 Lastly, let any criticism of lack begin with me for I was a lost sheep for many years, knowing and loving God, yet doing nothing.  Finally, searching for my place within a house of worship, I came up empty with a deep guilt wondering what was wrong with me that I was unable to fit in and unsatisfied by the same message I heard years ago.  It is a terrible thing to want to jump up while the pastor is preaching and take his place because you think you know more then he does and to want to shake the people because they sit and wring their hands in despair instead of calling on the Power of their Might God.  A horror to see the seats empty and that the church has become the world's babysitter.  Yet, thank God they are ministering to the youth but where are all the adults, where are the parents?

 I searched in vain convinced I must be doomed until God took me on a journey that sent me down the rabbit hole and led to men such as Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino, Tom Horn and many more like minded believers.  Does that mean I left behind the basic premise of the Gospel, certainly not.  The truth I learned from my youth is just as relevant today as the day I first believed.  It is the sure foundation that is to be built upon and not shoved under a bushel as my own private "Willie Wonka" golden ticket to heaven.  It is the "Good News" to a lost and dying world, it is what the baby Christian feeds upon BUT God never purposed us to stay baby Christians our entire life.  


Let me begin by saying, Timothy Alberino is not setting every single thing he is explaining in stone, he is REASONING and developing possible theories. The Bible says to, "Study to show thyself approved."  What are we studying for... to learn the truth for ourselves, by the Spirit of God revealing it to us.

If you feel threatened by these revelations, it is possible you are of a closed mind.  Many people cannot get past the Children's Sunday School Milk of the Word and get into the Meat of the Word.

The Bible states, "In the Last Days, knowledge will increase greatly."  Knowledge will not only increase for the ungodly world in technologies and science but will greatly increase for those who truly belong to God and are earnestly seeking the truth.

We are not forced to believe every conclusion that Timothy Alberion puts forth because we are to find the truth ourselves by studying the Word of God, on our own and asking God to reveal it.

I have taken into consideration Timothy Alberino and Steve Quayle's decades of research and find them to be true men of God seeking the deep things of God. They are willing to share their knowledge from their years of research and I am free to review it and come to my own conclusions.

In conclusion, once again, if you are of a closed mind, this will most assuredly not be for you but I find it a blessing that someone is digging and trying to find out as much of the truth of God as they can.  

Obscure Bible Related Topics Part I

Obscure Bible Related Topics Part II

Elongated Skulls Part I

Elongated Skulls Part II

The Book of Enoch

Red Haired Giants of America Episode I

Red Haired Giants Episode II

Red Haired Giants Episode IV

Red Haired Giants Episode III

The Atacama Humanoid

Earth's Earliest Ages George H. Pember Part I

Earth's Earliest Ages George H. Pember Part II

Earth's Earliest Ages George H. Pember Part III

Deep Underground Military Bases-D.U.M.B.s

Super-Soldiers  The New Arms Race

The Dead Sea Scrolls=The Book of Giants

Land of the Plumed Serpent Part I

Land of the Plumed Serpent Part II

Land of the Plumed Serpent Part III

Land of the Plumed Serpent Part IV

Black Eyed Kids

Alien Communications

The Return to the Days of Noah

The UnHoly See Part I

The UnHoly See Part IV

CERN’s Occult Conspiracies with Ancient Technology with Josh Peck

CERN: Occult Conspiracy

Ancient Amazonian Shamanism

Days of Noah Part II

The UnHoly See Part II

The Sharpening Report with Josh Peck - The UnHoly See

The Coming Hybrid Age: Timothy Alberino, Justin Faull, Josh Peck and Gonz Shimura

The Vatican is Controlling History

Technology of the Fallen Part I

Technology of the Fallen Part II

The Invading Luciferian Doctrine

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